
Practical info

The address is: Dortheavej 61, 2400 Copenhagen NV

From Nørreport station (S-train, Metro) you can take the 5C or 350S busses, or night bus 81N to Hulgråds Plads, the busses come every 5 minutes or so.

From Hellerup, Emdrup, Flintholm, or Rødovre you can take the 21 bus to Birkedommervej.

You can plan public transit trips on Rejseplanen.dk

Ungdomshuset is CASH ONLY, the nearest ATM is on Hovmestervej

Contact us at
Email: kontakt@ungdomshuset.dk

or come by the Monday Meeting, every monday at 19:00

For booking inquires email at: booking61(a)gmail.com, or come by a meeting every wednesday at 18:00.

History of the house

There's an incredible article on Crimethic here about the history of the old Ungdomshuset at Jagtvej 69, and takeover of our current house at Dortheavej 61.


On the 11th of June 2008, it was decided in their city council to let us take over two buildings in the North western area of the city. 1st of July we started moving in...

The house and area The two buildings used to be a part of a communal social centre that we are now sharing ground with.

It's situated between Dortheavej and Rentemestervej in the North-western part of Copenhagen, approx. 2,8 km from Jagtvej 69.

The house consists of two buildings. We got the first on July 1st, "The annex" which is the smaller of the two with 600 m2. The second was given to us on January 1st 2009. The total of the two buildings is 2000 m2 which is the same area we used to have in Ungdomshuset at Jagtvej 69.